Little Lamb is a Mom run business based out of Georgina, Ontario, Canada. As a mom myself I am very conscious of how toys are made, as well as what they are made of, I am very passionate about health and education, and believe the choices we make as parents can have a big impact on our children. I believe good literacy and math skills are essential, and that everyone is capable of helping their kids learn better. If you can read well you can learn almost anything.
I'm also a big advocate of less screen time and more time doing tangible things, one of the best ways to get kids off their screens is to give them something else to do that they find engaging and rewarding, which is different with each child. Although technology can be very useful and has its place, too much time on it can lead to poor vision, poor posture, reduced muscle, reduced attention span, irritability, lack of patience (expecting everything to be instant), poor eye tracking, even poor in person social skills, the blue light from screens can even interfere with sleep when it's within a few hours of bedtime. There's a reason why the light outside towards the end of the day is more golden, and in the middle of the day is more blue, it tells our body to be more awake, or to start winding down and preparing for sleep. As a nature photographer of over a decade, I am extra aware of light, as the word photography means "light drawing" roughly translated. I remember when I was studying photography I learned that what we think our eyes see is not always completely accurate, our brains actually autocorrect a lot of what we see like that handy feature on our phones when we're writing a text. The light in the middle of the day is actually much more blue then we realize, and the light early in the morning as well as in the evening is much more golden then we perceive, our brains autocorrect and even things out to a more neutral tone, and photographers can even learn to switch off the autocorrect. How amazing is the human brain!
On another note regarding the digital world, even if you play video/computer games on a wide variety of topics, generally you're using the same gaming controller to do it all, or a small variety of types of controllers. Compare that to the number of different muscles and skills engaged when doing the vast number of non-technological things there are to do. Doing real things makes both our bodies and our brains more fit! Which is a good thing at any age, it's almost never too late to learn a new skill, and make healthy lifestyle changes!
In closing, for me this is more than just a job, I love people, and I love helping people, and I love to see children be happy and healthy and have a bright future.